Feb 09, 2025 
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 Setup Guides (10)
 FAQ (14)

 What is the difference between a static IP address and a dynamic IP address? Article ID: 288
 DNS2Go An IP address corresponds to the number your computer uses when you are online. Every computer that is connected to the Internet is given an identifying number so that it can communicate with other computers. If you have a dedicated conn
 DNS2Go Name servers Article ID: 612
 When transferring a Top Level domain to DNS2Go, the nameservers on that domain need to be changed to point towards the following: Name Server Hostname: NS1.DNS2GO.COM Name Server Hostname: NS2.DNS2GO.COM Name Server Host
 Using WWW Redirection with DNS2Go Article ID: 624
 Its very common to have an Internet Provider block port 80 for incoming access, or to have a site hosted elsewhere (geocities for example). With DNS2Go you can easily redirect WWW requests to those locations. In order for the redirection to work correc
 DNS2Go's Primary Purpose Article ID: 761
 The primary purpose of DNS2Go is to resolve a domain name to a dynamically assigned IP address. If the IP address is correct then the service is functioning as designed. You may need to check to confirm that the required ports for your application, on
 DNS2Go Settings Tab Article ID: 261
 DNS2Go Explaining the Settings Tab The Settings tab allows you to specify how we will handle your domain when you are connected to the DNS2Go service and when you are not. When I am Online: Point my doma
 Using MXPurify Email Security with DNS2Go Article ID: 619
 When using MXPurify Email Security with DNS2Go the following steps need to be done. Your DNS2Go Account MUST be a Professional Account (Learn more about the benefits of a DNS2Go Professional account visit: http://www.dns2go.co
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