Feb 09, 2025 
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 Using DNS2Go with an FTP Server Article ID: 659
 Using DNS2Go and an FTP Server allows you to access files from anywhere on the Internet, and allow others to access those files as well. This document outlines how to use DNS2Go with an FTP server. First you will need to locate which FTP Server you pl
 Opening Ports on your Router - Port Forwarding Article ID: 562
 Most, if not all, internet users use a router to connect their network to their ISP's DSL or cable modem. One of the key ingredients in getting a web server, email server or even a remote desktop connection to function properly is to make sure the inbound
 What ports does DNS2Go run on? Article ID: 293
 To successfully run DNS2Go behind a firewall, you need to open port 1227 UDP and TCP for outbound traffic. This port is used for the heartbeats which are sent back and forth when you are connected to the Internet. You w
 DNS2Go Mutiple Domain Port Redirection Article ID: 246
 DNS2Go Mutilple Domain Port Redirection If your ISP is blocking port 80 and you cannot run a web server and have multiple domains, you normally cannot use the "www" port redirection because it will redirect to your IP a
 Common Ports Article ID: 576
  Internet Service UDP Port TCP Port
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