Dec 10, 2024 
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 How do I configure WinRoute Firewall for a PPTP VPN? Article ID: 42
 This article relates only to VPN as it is implemented in Microsoft PPTP/GRE. There are two scenarios for VPN through Kerio WinRoute Firewall: PPTP VPN client is behind WinRoute Firewall, connecting to a remote PPTP serv
 WinRoute Firewall 6 as a VPN Server Only Article ID: 50
 WinRoute Firewall 6 may be run as a stand alone VPN server, however, it wasn't intended to be used this way, so it does require additional configuration. There are a few things that need to be considered first: As always, the WinRoute Firew
 What is Kerio VPN? Article ID: 60
 WinRoute Firewall WinRoute enables secure interconnection of remote private networks using an encrypted tunnel and it provides clients secure access to their local networks via the Internet. This method of interconnection of networks (and of
 VPN Server Configuration Article ID: 21
 WinRoute Firewall VPN server configuration
 Kerio VPN Client License Policy Article ID: 52
 The Kerio VPN Client is provided as an accessory to Kerio WinRoute Firewall. Kerio VPN Client does not require any special licensing. However, connected VPN clients are included in the total count of users (computers) during license checks
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