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 WinRoute Firewall & DNS2Go
Solution WinRoute Firewall

To allow DNS2Go to work with Kerio WinRoute Firewall follow these steps:
  1. Open WinRoute Firewall
  2. Click on the Traffic Policy option under the Configuration Tree
  3. Click Add
  4. After clicking Add a new rule titled ‘New Rule’ select this rule and double click under the Source column
  5. Make sure that the Source is selected to any
  6. Click OK at the bottom
  7. Double click on the Destination box
  8. Make sure that the Destination is selected to any
  9. Double click on the Service box
  10. Set 2 entries in here. One for TCP and one for UDP. Both on port 1227
  11. Set the Action to Permit
  12. Click Apply at the bottom
    DNS2Go should now connect correctly from the computer that the WinRoute Firewall is on as well as the computers behind the WinRoute Firewall.

Article Details
Article ID: 11
Created On: Jun 14, 2004 01:22 PM

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