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 Web Interface and User Authentication
Solution WinRoute Firewall

Web Interface and User Authentication

WinRoute Firewall contains a special Web server that can be used for several purposes, such as an interface for user connections, dial-up control or cache management. This Web server is available over SSL or using standard HTTP with no encryption (both versions include identical pages).

Refer to the list below for URLs of individual pages (\'server\' refers to the name or IP of the WinRoute host, 4080 represents a standard HTTP interface port).

The main page (Index) � includes only links to the pages listed below:


User authentication at the firewall (login and logout page)



Viewing user statistics (i.e. IP address, login time, size of the data transmitted, number of filtered objects, etc.)


Modifications of user configuration (password, global limitations for accessing WWW pages, etc.)


Viewing HTTP rules not related to the user or the host that is used to connect to the Web interface


Viewing statistics of HTTP cache with functions for deleting and searching for saved objects


Dialing and disconnecting dial-ups


To use the encrypted version specify the HTTPS protocol and number of the port that the encrypted Web interface is running on (default is 4081) e.g.


Article Details
Article ID: 22
Created On: Jun 14, 2004 02:26 PM

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