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 DNS2Go and PC Anywhere (version 10)
Solution DNS2Go

DNS2Go and PC Anywhere (version 10)

On the Host computer

  1. Open pcAnywhere and click Add Be A Host PC Item
  2. Right-click the Network, Cable, DSL icon and select Properties.
  3. Select TCP/IP as the connection device on the Connection Info tab.
  4. On the Callers tab, hit the new button to Add a user.
  5. Enter a user name and password for this new user.
  6. Click OK
  7. Make sure you are connected to the Internet
  8. Connect DNS2Go
  9. Open PC Anywhere
  10. Click the Hosts icon
  11. Double click the Network, Cable, DSL icon to start your host session.
On a remote client computer
  1. From the PC Anywhere manager, click the Remotes icon.
  2. Right-click the Network, Cable, DSL icon and select Properties.
  3. Choose TCP/IP for the Connection Device on the Connection Info tab. This is the default setting.
  4. On the Settings tab, for Network host PC, enter the DNS2Go domain name of the pcAnywhere host. If a user name and password are required, enter them under Login Information.
  5. Click Apply, then OK to save your changes.
  6. Double click the Network, Cable, DSL icon to launch your remote control session.
For more information on PCAnywhere version 10 please see:

Article Details
Article ID: 244
Created On: Aug 19, 2004 11:50 AM

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