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 VNC Remote Control Quick Start Guide
Solution DNS2Go

The current DNS2Go installation includes the VNC (Virtual Network Computing) Remote Control Software application. VNC consists of two components. A server, which is included in the DNS2Go installation and runs on the computer you want to remotely access, and a client, which can be either a VNC viewer or Internet browser, which runs on the computer you are connecting from.

VNC software requires a TCP/IP connection between the server and the viewer. This is the standard networking protocol on LANs, WANs, broadband and dialup Internet connections. Each computer has a unique IP address. However, using DNS2Go with VNC, you can simply connect to the domain name registered on your DNS2Go client computer, and never have to be concerned about what your currently assigned IP address is.

VNC Server Setup

  1. Download and install the DNS2Go Client software on the computer that you wish to have Remote Access to, at: http://www.deerfield.net/download/dns2go/
  2. During the DNS2Go installation, a dialogue box will appear asking,This will Install VNC. Do you wish to Continue?M Select Yes.
  3. The VNC Wizard Welcome Screen will appear, select Next.
  4. Read the License Agreement, then toggle I accept the agreement, and select Next.
  5. Verify the location where VNC will be installed, and click Next.
  6. Choose which VNC components you wish to install. The VNC Server will allow VNC client connections to this computer, allowing people from remote locations to remotely control this computer. The VNC Viewer is the client VNC application that allows you to remotely control other computers from this computer. Click Next.
  7. Select the appropriate Start Menu Folder, and Click Next.
  8. Select the additional tasks to be executed during the installation. The general recommendations are to Register and configure VNC Server for Service-Mode, and Start the VNC Server in Service Mode. Click Next.
  9. Click Install to complete the installation.
  10. The VNC interface will open once the installation is complete. To ensure security, you are encouraged to click the Set Password button on the Authentication tab. Enter the New Password then Confirm Password, and click OK. VNC clients connecting to this computer must enter this password to connect.

VNC Client Setup

There are two ways to connect to the VNC/DNS2Go server computer to initiate Remote Control:

  1. Connect to the VNC Server using any Internet browser (e.g., Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, etc.). Simply type the registered DNS2Go domain name in the URL bar, colon, 5800 (this is the default port that http access to VNC is setup on, but it can be altered in the VNC server application); example: mydomain.dns2go.com:5800. You will be prompted for a password to connect if you specified one on the VNC Server.
  2. Connect to the VNC Server using the VNC Viewer client application. Download the VNC Viewer Remote Control Client at: http://www.deerfield.net/download/dns2go/. Save this application to a location that allows you easy access (for example, your Desktop). To make a Remote Control connection, double click on the VNC Viewer file. The VNC Viewer: Connection Details window will appear. Enter the registered DNS2Go domain name used on the VNC Server that you are connecting to and click OK. If a VNC password has been created on the VNC server, this will also be required to connect.
Additional information and descriptions of VNC functions are available in the DNS2Go Help Files.

Article Details
Article ID: 254
Created On: Aug 19, 2004 01:21 PM

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