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 How to Setup a New User
From the VisNetic MailServer configuration console:
  1. Click the Accounts tab (version 7) or Management under Domains & Accounts (version 8)
  2. Right-Click on the domain name in the left-hand column
  3. Click Add from the pop-up menu
  4. Click New User
  5. Alias: This is the users name at the domain. Example: to setup the email address support@deerfield.com enter an alias of support.
    Note: Multiple aliases can be used by separating them with a semi-colon (;) support;help;info
  6. Mailbox- This is the name of the mailbox and mail account. Usually automatically created by VisNetic MailServer. This is what is used for authentication and mail collection. It defaults to the same as the alias but does not have to be. The mailbox name is also used as the login for web admin or remote configuration.
  7. Password The password for the mailbox. Repeat in the confirmation field.
  8. Name The real name, or an identifier. This is used in autoresponders and for displaying the accounts.
  9. Click Save
It is very likely that there will be duplicate mailboxes across different domains (e.g.; sales@domaina.com, sales@domainb.com). Delivery of mail is easy since the domain is specified. However, upon mail collection by users, in order for VisNetic MailServer to know which mailbox is being requested, it compares mailbox and password combinations.

If you are using VisNetic Web Admin:
  1. Click the Accounts link (version 7) or Management under Domains & Accounts (version 8)
  2. Click the domain the account will be associated with
  3. Click New User under the Users section
  4. Enter the account name in the Alias field. For example, if the email address is going to be support@deerfield.com enter the alias as support. Multiple aliases can be used by separating them with a semi-colon (;) support;help;info
  5. Mailbox - This is the name of the mailbox and mail account. Usually automatically created by VisNetic MailServer. This is what is used for authentication and mail collection. It defaults to the same as the alias but does not have to be. The mailbox name is also used as the login for web admin or remote configuration.
  6. Password The password for the mailbox. Repeat in the confirmation field.
  7. Name The real name, or an identifier. This is used in autoresponders and for displaying the accounts.
  8. Click Save User

Article Details
Article ID: 35
Created On: Jun 17, 2004 10:53 AM

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