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 Kerio MailServer Quick Checklist
Kerio MailServer Quick Checklist
This Quick Checklist gives you a basic step-by-step guide to quickly set up Kerio MailServer so that it can function as a mail server for your company immediately. All that is required is basic knowledge of TCP/IP and the principles of Internet mail protocols. You may also need some information from your ISP - the type of connection and the way email is delivered for your domain.
If you are not sure about anything in Kerio MailServer just look up the appropriate chapter in the manual.

If you do not know how and/or where email is delivered for your domain, please contact your ISP.
  1. Install Kerio MailServer and make sure it is running. Log into the Administration Console program using the default login (admin with no password). Assign a password for the admin account.
  2. In Configuration / Services, set up the services you are planning to use. If you would like to run a web server on the same machine, for example, stop the WebMail service or assign a different port to it.
  3. Create local domains (Configuration / Domains). A primary domain must be created first. If you are not sure as to which domain should be primary, choose the domain that contains the most users. Do not forget to fill in the DNS name of the SMTP server.
  4. Create user accounts for individual domains (Domain Settings / Users). Account names should correspond with the users' primary email addresses. You can also import users from external sources.
  5. If it is required (to create group addresses, for instance) create groups (Domain Settings / Groups) and assign users to them.
  6. Define aliases for users and user groups if this is required (Domain Settings / Aliases).
  7. In Configuration / Internet Connection, set the type of Internet connection - Online for leased line, cable modems, ADSLs; Offline for any kind of dial-up connection.
  8. If modem is installed on the same computer as Kerio MailServer, choose the correct RAS line.
  9. If Internet connection type is Offline set Scheduling (Configuration / Scheduling). If the type is Online, only set scheduling in case you would like to retrieve email from remote POP3 accounts or receive email using ETRN command.
  10. If you would like to retrieve email from remote POP3 accounts or domain accounts create corresponding accounts in Configuration / POP3 Download. If email from these accounts is to be sorted into local accounts, also define the sorting rules.
  11. If mail for certain domains should be received from a secondary server using ETRN command, define corresponding accounts in Configuration / ETRN Download.
  12. Set up antivirus control: in Configuration / Antivirus choose a plug-in module for the anti-virus program that you have installed. Choose the action that should be performed in case an infected attachment is found. You can also choose to filter certain types of attachments (eg. executables).
  13. If Kerio MailServer is running behind a firewall, map the appropriate ports.
  14. If the SMTP server is accessible from the Internet, set up Antispam protection (Configuration / Antispam), to prevent misuse of the mail server to send spam email. You can also protect yourself from receiving such email from other servers.
  15. Set up email backup if it is required (Configuration / Backup).
  16. Create a certificate for the mail server for secure communication, or ask a commercial certification authority to do this.

Article Details
Article ID: 377
Created On: Nov 10, 2004 10:06 AM

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