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Support Center » Knowledgebase » Kerio Control » How do I configure WinRoute Firewall for a PPTP VPN?
 How do I configure WinRoute Firewall for a PPTP VPN?
This article relates only to VPN as it is implemented in Microsoft PPTP/GRE.

There are two scenarios for VPN through Kerio WinRoute Firewall:

  1. PPTP VPN client is behind WinRoute Firewall, connecting to a remote PPTP server.
  2. PPTP VPN client is remote, connecting to a PPTP server hosted on, or behind WinRoute Firewall.

VPN Client is behind WinRoute Firewall

The traffic policy wizard creates a rule called 'NAT'. This rule defines the outgoing policy for computers behind WinRoute Firewall. If the service for this rule is set to 'Any', then PPTP VPN connections will work automatically. Otherwise, you must add the service 'PPTP' to this rule.

VPN Server is behind WinRoute Firewall

When a VPN server is hosted inside the network behind WinRoute Firewall, then the parameters for the inbound rules should be configured as follows:

Source: Network connected to Internet interface
Destination: Firewall host
Service: PPTP
Action: Permit
Translation: Port Mapping (IP of PPTP server in LAN)

Note: If the PPTP server is located on the Kerio WinRoute Firewall computer, then no translation should be configured.

If WinRoute Firewall is configured according to these instructions and there are still problems, consider uninstalling any Anti-Virus software, which can in some cases interfere with IP protocols such as PPTP/GRE.

Article Details
Article ID: 42
Created On: Aug 11, 2004 10:21 AM

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