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 How do I configure WinRoute Firewall to allow Remote Administration?
Solution WinRoute Firewall

During installation

When you startup WinRoute Firewall for the first time all network traffic will be blocked for security reasons. This is so you can build a set of trusted rules without any permitted traffic that you don't know about.

If WinRoute is installed remotely (i.e. using terminal access), communication with the remote client will be interrupted when the machine is rebooted. Within Step two of the setup wizard specify the IP address of the host from which the firewall will be controlled remotely (i.e. using terminal services) to enable remote installation and administration. Thus WinRoute will enable all traffic between the firewall and the remote host.

After installation

If you have an already running installation of WinRoute Firewall, and want to enable remote administration, create a new traffic policy rule like the following:

Name:        KWF Admin
Source:      ANY (or a restricted set of trusted hosts)
Destination: Firewall
Service:     KWF Admin
Action:      Permit

Article Details
Article ID: 43
Created On: Aug 11, 2004 10:25 AM

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