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Support Center » Knowledgebase » Kerio Control » Redirecting users to the authentication page does not work, the page cannot be displayed
 Redirecting users to the authentication page does not work, the page cannot be displayed
Solution WinRoute Firewall


Redirecting users to the authentication page does not work, the page cannot be displayed.


If WinRoute is configured to require user authentication (Content filtering -> HTTP policy -> URL rules) for web browsing access, it is possible for WinRoute to redirect users to a name (e.g. https://fw.winroute.local:4081), rather than an IP address (e.g.

This setting is specified in Advanced options -> User authentication -> WinRoute server name. A name should be provided here if you are enforcing SSL when connecting to the web interface (Advanced options -> User Authentication -> SSL has priority). If there is no resolvable name for the IP address of the WinRoute computer, no name should be specified, in which case WinRoute will redirect users to the IP address of the WinRoute Computer.

If a name is specified, all clients must be able to properly resolve the name to the IP address of the WinRoute computer, otherwise the client will receive a DNS failure message in the web browser. The ultimate purpose of this setting is to prevent the client browser from displaying a certificate warning when connecting to the web authentication page.

Article Details
Article ID: 44
Created On: Aug 11, 2004 10:27 AM

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