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Support Center » Knowledgebase » Kerio Control » I can connect to my www, ftp, or mail servers from Internet, but not from the local network, why?
 I can connect to my www, ftp, or mail servers from Internet, but not from the local network, why?
Solution WinRoute Firewall

If you are trying to connect to the domain associated with your local servers (on the private LAN) you will need to use WinRoute's DNS forwarder and modify the host file. The problem is that the domain is resolving to the public address for everyone, including local users. The connection attempt, therefore is directed to the WinRoute computer through the local (non-NAT\'ed) interface so the port mapping will not work. By editing the host file you must specify that requests made to, for example, will resolve to the local IP address where the web server actually resides. Note that for the host file to work all local computers must use the IP address of the WinRoute computer as their primary DNS server.

Article Details
Article ID: 46
Created On: Aug 11, 2004 10:31 AM

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