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 How do I find my license key and version number in WinRoute Firewall?
Solution WinRoute Firewall

Connect to the Adminstration console for Kerio WinRoute Firewall 6

  1. Click on the Start menu and go to Programs, then Kerio, and then Administration Console.
  2. In the \'New connection\' window, set \'Product\' to \'Kerio WinRoute Firewall.\'
  3. If the \'New connection\' window is not present, then double-click on \'New connection.\' Then, do step 2.
  4. If you are using the computer WinRoute Firewall is installed on then set \'Host\' to \'localhost\'. If you are connecting to a remote installation of WinRoute Firewall, then set \'Host\' to the domain name or IP address of the remote WinRoute Firewall.
  5. In the \'Username\' field, enter the name of a user account within WinRoute Firewall that has read/write rights. The user name is \'Admin\' by default.
  6. In the \'Password\' field, enter the password for the user account listed in the \'Username\' field. Typically this will be the password configured when WinRoute Firewall was first installed.
  7. Click once on the \'Connect\' button.
  8. Proceed on to the next section titled \'Locate your license number and version information.\'

Locate your license number and version information

  1. The first window to appear after logging into the Administration Console will list Kerio WinRoute Firewall\'s version number and license number.
  2. The version number will appear to the right of the word \'Product:\'.
  3. The License number will appear to the right of the word \'License ID:\'.
  4. If the words \'Unregistered trial version\' appears to the right of \'License ID:\' then Kerio WinRoute Firewall has not been licensed yet.

Article Details
Article ID: 47
Created On: Aug 11, 2004 10:33 AM

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