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Using DNS2Go with IP Cameras
Using DNS2Go with IP Cameras
An IP Camera is a webcam that can be networked via a wired or wireless network for remote viewing and surveillance. Cameras can be installed at your home or business to provide complete coverage and a watchful eye on your employees. An IP camera typically includes a web server built directly into the camera - which means it can be directly connected to a cable or DSL modem with no other software or hardware required.
An IP camera or IP camera system can work on any type of IP address, but most manufacturers and installers will suggest a STATIC IP address - which means the IP address never changes. Since many of these IP Cams are installed on Internet connections using Cable or DSL - it's nearly impossible or quite expensive to obtain a static IP address.
DNS2Go is the simple solution to this common problem. The DNS2Go service provides you with a domain name to use with your Dynamic IP address. DNS2Go software tracks your IP address changes and updates the domain name immediately, allowing you and your users to connect to and view the IP camera using this domain name instead of an IP address
Here are some quick steps on how to best use DNS2Go with your IP Camera setup
1) Get your IP Camera installed and running internally (inside your network) and make sure the IP Camera is working according to the install guide and that you can view the camera.
2) You should now get your IP camera connected to your network and make sure the network is connected to your cablemodem or DSL modem.
3) Configure your router or firewall to open the proper ports (if you use one) in order to connect to your IP Camera using the current WAN IP address of the router. Most IP Camera's have a built in web server that listens on port 80 - so you should forward port 80 to the LAN IP address of your IP Camera or Camera system. Consult your camera's documentation for the correct port.
4) Confirm you can connect to your IP Camera from the Internet using the routers IP address.
5) Download the DNS2Go software and install it on any computer connected to the same network as the IP Camera.
Download DNS2Go:
DNS2Go Setup Guide:
6) Once you get DNS2Go setup and connected to the DNS2Go servers with your DNS2Go domain name you selected, you can then use this domain name to connect and view the IP camera from the Internet.
That's all there is to it. Its as simple as using the DNS2Go domain name (Example: YourIPCamera.dns2go.com) to connect to the IP Camera remotely instead of using an IP address that's always changing. The DNS2Go domain name never changes, and you will always continue to use the same domain name whenever you or your clients want to connect to the camera at that location.
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Created On:
Dec 21, 2005 02:54 PM
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