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 Using WWW Redirection with DNS2Go
Solution Its very common to have an Internet Provider block port 80 for incoming access, or to have a site hosted elsewhere (geocities for example). With DNS2Go you can easily redirect WWW requests to those locations.

In order for the redirection to work correctly. All requests must contain WWW before the domain name (,

Redirecting Online traffic

1) Open the DNS2Go Client
2) Click on the Settings tab
3) Change the option to be Online
4) Check the box for 'Redirect web requests (with a WWW prefix)
5) Select one of the two options (To my current online IP on port, or to a specific URL)
NOTE: When redirecting to a specific URL, you need to specify 'http://'

Redirecting Offline traffic

1) Open the DNS2Go Client
2) Click on the Settings tab
3) Change the option to be Offline
4) Select the option for 'Point my domain to this URL'
NOTE: When redirecting to a specific URL, you need to specify 'http://'

Article Details
Article ID: 624
Created On: Dec 05, 2007 07:44 PM

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