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Support Center » Knowledgebase » DNS2Go » Creating Custom CName Records for DNS2Go
 Creating Custom CName Records for DNS2Go
Solution When creating Custom CNAME Records with DNS2Go the following steps need to be taken:

To set a custom Online CNAME record:
  1. Take your domain Offline
  2. Login to the DNS2Go Account Manager
  3. Select your domain from the list of domains on the right hand side
  4. Expand the Online Settings by clicking the plus ( + ) sign next to When This Domain Goes Online
  5. Select the option Use Custom DNS Settings
  6. Click the Configure Button
  7. Click the New Button
  8. Select "CNAME" Record
  9. In order for A record to be on the domain itself, leave this first field blank and click Next.
  10. Enter in the hostname you wish the CNAME record resolve to
  11. Review the settings and click OK

Once the domain goes back online, the record will be created

To set a custom Offline CNAME record:
  1. Take your domain Online
  2. Login to the DNS2Go Account Manager
  3. Select your domain from the list of domains on the right hand side
  4. Expand the Online Settings by clicking the plus ( + ) sign next to When This Domain Goes Online
  5. Select the option Use Custom DNS Settings
  6. Click the Configure Button
  7. Click the New Button
  8. Select "CNAME" Record
  9. In order for A record to be on the domain itself, leave this first field blank and click Next.
  10. Enter in the hostname you wish the CNAME record resolve to
  11. Review the settings and click OK

Once the domain goes back offline, the record will be created

Article Details
Article ID: 651
Created On: Oct 16, 2008 07:28 PM

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