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 DNS2Go and Facebook


Why Use DNS2Go to link to your Facebook address? You can easily direct friends to your Facebook page by simply saying your DNS2Go domain name, rather than the full Facebook Profile, or trying to describe your profile picture. To use this service all you need to do is follow the steps below to sign up your DNS2Go account: 1) Connect to the DNS2Go Sign up Page 2) Select the Radio Button DNS2Go Domain Name (e.g. you.dns2go.com) then click Next


3) Enter the name you wish to use for your Redirection, followed by selecting the DNS2Go sub domain you wish to use. atfacebook.net for example. Then click next


4) Fill out the form that follows. Note the Email address and Password you specify. You will use them shortly When done, click Register Now!


5) After clicking Register Now!, Click Here to access the DNS2Go Account Manager. This is where you will need the Email Address and Password from the Sign up Process After Logging into the DNS2Go Account Manager, follow the steps below on setting up the Redirection to your Facebook page! 1) Log into your DNS2Go Account Manager 2) Click the domain you wish to use 3) Under the option 'When this domain goes online' Check the option Redirect web (HTTP) requests 4) Select the radio option for To this URL: 5) Enter in your Facebook URL. If you do not know your Facebook URL, check below. 6) Click the Save Online Settings button If you do not know what your Facebook URL is all you need to do is: 1) Log into Facebook 2) At the top of the screen you will see a link with your name on it, directly to the left of Settings, right click your name and select Copy Shortcut (Internet Explorer) or Copy Link Location (Firefox). Now this is saved on your Clip Board and can be pasted anywhere.

Article Details
Article ID: 654
Created On: Feb 05, 2009 09:31 PM

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