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 Using DNS2Go with an FTP Server
Solution Using DNS2Go and an FTP Server allows you to access files from anywhere on the Internet, and allow others to access those files as well. This document outlines how to use DNS2Go with an FTP server.

First you will need to locate which FTP Server you plan on using. Click here for a good list of servers, the operating system they run on, and the price of each of them.

During the installation of the FTP Server, you will likely be asked for the FTP Site's name, or server name. We recommend using the DNS2Go domain name you have signed up. Also while installing your FTP Server, you should create a single account.

You now have an FTP server installed, configured for your domain name, and a single account created. You're almost ready to go.

Now you need to open the correct ports in your firewall / router.

With FTP, there are a couple different methods in determining which ports need to be opened. Each FTP Mode is specified by the FTP Client itself.

FTP Modes

Active Mode - With Active Mode, port 21 is opened and is the initial port that the FTP Client connects to you on. Once the connection is established and the FTP Client attempts to download a file, the connection is made on ports 1024 to 65535. When the FTP client uses this mode, the FTP server only needs to accept connections on port 21, so forwarding only port 21 is all that is needed. Any problems with connections / file transfers with this mode is likely a result of the FTP Client not having the range of ports (1024 - 65535) open in the firewall for the FTP Client.

Passive Mode - Passive Mode (PASV) will generally resolve any firewall issues that you run into, and is the most popular method of using FTP. When passive mode is used, the FTP Client creates the connection that was established in port 21 as before. However this time, the FTP Server sends back the port number (again, anywhere in the range of 1024 to 65535) on which it will receive the data connection from the FTP Client. In this mode, it is the FTP Client that opens the data connection, and the FTP Server that is responsible for selecting the port to use and making sure that port is open on its local network. So, for a FTP Server to work with a FTP Client running passive mode, you would need to forward ports 20-21 and 1024-65535 to the FTP Server on your network.

For help opening ports on your router and setting up port forwarding please visit the Knowledge Base for the router manufacturer or see


Article Details
Article ID: 659
Created On: Mar 13, 2009 02:49 PM

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