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Moving VisNetic MailServer to another computer (after July 1, 2009)
Moving VisNetic MailServer to another computer (after July 1, 2009)
This article applies only when moving an existing installation of VisNetic MailServer 9.x to another computer. VisNetic MailServer license keys are associated with a Server Reference Key specific to the computer on which it is installed. If VisNetic MailServer is moved to a different computer, the Server Reference Key and License Key are no longer valid and a new "SRK" and License Key are required. Effective July 1, 2009 VisNetic MailServer was discontinued and replaced with IceWarp Mail Server. VisNetic MailServer customers are encouraged to migrate to IceWarp. Instructions on migrating from VisNetic MailServer to IceWarp Mail Server are detailed in this
Knowledge Base Article
VisNetic MailServer customers choosing to stay with VisNetic and are moving their installation to a different computer should follow the steps below. This article assumes you are running VisNetic MailServer 9.x. Options defined in this article and in the admin console may be in slightly different locations or may be defined differently depending on the version you are running, please search the help file (press F1 or open Help from the program group) to find more information on how to locate these referenced options, such as, where the \mail\ path is located, and where to locate the version number, etc...
1. From the system you are moving from create a backup of VisNetic MailServer. Open the VMS admin select File - Backup settings.
Please note
the version of VisNetic MailServer. You can only restore backup files from the same version. To check what version you are running select Help - About.
2. Backup the \mail\ path, default location,
C:\Program Files\Deerfield.com\VisNetic MailServer\mail\
To verify where your \mail\ path is located open the VMS admin, select System - Storage - Directories tab.
When we refer to "Backup the \mail\ path" we are referring to a file backup. You can either copy the mail path to a USB drive or an attached USB disk or to a shared drive.
3. If you are working with a backup file from an older version of VisNetic MailServer you can obtain archive versions from the following link. Never restore a backup file to a system with a different version of VisNetic MailServer.
Install VisNetic MailServer on the new system,
make sure you install it in the same directory as the old server
. The backup file will not look at the new install and automatically determine what directories it should restore to.
4. Restore your backup file from VMS admin - File - Restore settings.
5. Restore the \mail\ path.
6. The server will warn you that the system has a
Server Reference Key
mismatch and will expire in 7 days. To obtain a new key that matches your new Server Reference Key open the VisNetic MailServer Admin select Help - Licenses and note the new Server Reference Key. Then proceed following the additional steps below. You must have your new Server Reference Key before continuing.
A key conversion process is required in order to license your new VisNetic MailServer installation. The resulting license will be valid for both VisNetic MailServer and IceWarp Mail Server.
1. Export your existing VisNetic MailServer License to a license.xml file.
From the VisNetic MailServer administration program, select the Help | License top menu option.
Select the Export License Information button.
Select a location to save the file and then press the Save button.
2. Obtain a copy of your most recent VisNetic MailServer purchase, upgrade or renewal Invoice.
Go to the
Deerfield Communications Automated Customer Service
website at:
Provide the requested identification information and select the Continue button.
Select the Generate Invoice link next to your most recent VisNetic MailServer purchase, upgrade or renewal order.
Copy the contents of the generated invoice to a text document and save.
3. Convert your existing VisNetic MailServer License to IceWarp Mail Server License (which will also work in your new VisNetic MailServer installation).
Go to the
VisNetic MailServer License Conversion
website at:
Select the Next button.
Select the Choose File button and navigate to and select the exported license.xml file saved in step 1.c. above.
Select the Next button.
Verify the correct license information is displayed.
If the license information is correct, select the Next button, if not, please contact
Provide the required License Holder Information, agree to the License Agreement and then select the Next button.
Verify the correct License Holder Information was entered and select the Next button.
Select the Browse button and navigate to and select the invoice saved in step 2.d. above.
Select the Upload File button.
The submitted information will be reviewed and the converted license released within 48 business hours. You will receive email notification when the license is ready to be collected.
When you receive notification that the license is ready to be collected, follow the link provided in the notification email.
Select the License radio button, enter the Server Reference Key from the new VisNetic MailServer License panel and then select the Submit button.
Your license will be displayed on the screen and sent to the email address provided in step 3.g. above.
Enter the license in the new VisNetic MailServer License panel or when prompted by the VisNetic MailServer setup program.
This process may be performed a maximum of 4 times. Contact Deerfield Communications Sales for assistance.
Sales: (800) 599-8856
Intl: + (989) 732-8856
Article Details
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Created On:
Jul 01, 2009 06:09 PM
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