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Support Center » Knowledgebase » Stopping DataBase Maintenance
 Stopping DataBase Maintenance
Solution The VisNetic MailFlow Engine is Performing Database Maintenance.

Database Maintenance may be stopped, allowing Agents to login, by performing the following:

1. On the computer MailFlow is installed to, Go to the Windows Services control panel and set the VisNetic MailFlow Engine Service to Disabled.

2. Stop the VisNetic MailFlow Engine Service.

3. Log into MailFlow as as Administrator and navigate to Administration / Database Maintenance / Settings.

4. Uncheck "Enable Daily Database Maintenance" and Save.

5. Set the VisNetic MailFlow Engine Service to start Automatically, and start.

After performing these steps, Agents can now log in and use VisNetic MailFlow.

This applies to VisNetic MailFlow version and prior.

Article Details
Article ID: 769
Created On: Jul 08, 2013 10:27 AM

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