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 Configuring Microsoft Remote Desktop Connections
Solution Configuring Microsoft Remote Desktop for use with DNS2Go

Verify that Remote Desktop is enabled by following these steps:

The first step is to enable the remote desktop connection feature on the computer you wish to connect to.

NOTE Windows XP Home Edition, Vista Home Basic & Premium, Windows 7 Home Basic & Premium, and Windows 8 Basic do not support Remote Desktop. For those Operating Systems, use another Remote Control Program instead of Remote Desktop. Virtual Network Computing VNC, as example is included in your DNS2Go install. VNC Setup Guide

When using Windows Vista, Windows 2008, and Windows 7, Click on Start then right-click Computer and select Properties. On the System window, click the Remote Settings link on the left. On the Remote tab, choose Allow in the Remote Desktop section.

To enable remote desktop in Windows XP, Windows 2000/2003, Click on Start then right-click My Computer and select Properties. Select the Remote tab, check the allow option in the Remote Desktop option.

With Remote Desktop Enabled you are ready to configure your Firewall / Router.

By default, Remote Desktop (RDP) uses port 3389. To connect to a remote computer you will need to forward port 3389 on the router to the local private IP address of the computer you are trying to access. Port forwarding is a method of making a computer on your network accessible to computers on the Internet, even though you are behind a router. portforward.com has lots of information about various routers and how to setup port forwarding on them.

To complete the Port Forward process you will need to determine the private IP address of the computer you wish to connect to. This is accomplished numerous ways but as long as you are logged into your router you can easily find the IP address you are looking for. It differs by manufacture however you should be able to find the IP address of the specific computer under LAN IP Setup or DNS settings within the router.

An example of a private IP address is

Once port forwarding is configured, you can test it using the third-party site: You Get Signal on port 3389. If the Open Port tool says the port is Open, that means you have configured port forwarding properly.

The network is setup to accept the connection on port 3389 and route them to the correct computer!

From outside your network have someone test the connection. Open the Remote Desktop Client program. To do this you can click on Start then go to Programs then Accessories / Communications then select 'Remote Desktop Connection'.

In the Computer Field type in your DNS2Go domain name you wish to connect to.

Then click on Connect and in a few moments, you should be connected to that specific computer, being prompted for a username and password. Enter the login information for the computer you just connected to.

Links to Additional Resources

Port Forward

Remote Desktop Connection: frequently asked questions

Configure a Network for Multiple Remote Desktop Connections

Article Details
Article ID: 771
Created On: Aug 28, 2013 04:53 PM

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