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 Moving the Attachment Folders
Solution Moving VisNetic MailFlow's Inbound and Outbound Attachment Folders.

1. Stop the VisNetic MailFlow Engine Service via the Windows Services MMC and temporarily set to disabled.
2. Log into MailFlow as an Admin and navigate to Administration, MailFlow Servers, Servers.
3. Select the Master server from the list of servers.
4. Move the Attachment folders to the new location.
5. Modify the Attachment Folder settings to the new path.

Note: If the Attachment folders are being moved to a network share, the full UNC of the share must be used. You cannot use a mapped drive. Also, you can move one or all of the folders.

6. Set the VisNetic MailFlow Engine Service to Automatic and start.
7. Test by sending a test message with an attachment and verify it is written to the new location.
8. Test by logging into MailFlow and accessing an older message with attachment and verify the attachment is accessible.

Note: It is best to add a new local drive to the MailFlow server and then move the attachment folders to it.

Article Details
Article ID: 775
Created On: Sep 17, 2013 09:20 AM

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